Bombay Lamb Nests

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1kg Minced Lamb
50g Hamburger Mix Complete PURE
20g Spicemix Del Mondo Massala PURE
World Grill Indian Mystery PURE
Bombay Curry Sauce PURE
Chick Peas (Tinned)
Red Onion (Diced)
Green Pepper (Diced)
Dried Apricots (Chopped)
Desiccated Coconut


Combine the minced lamb with the Hamburger Mix Complete PURE and Spicemix Del Mondo Massala PURE and weigh in to 150g portions.
Form in to nests and brush inside and out with World Grill Indian Mystery PURE
Mix equal amounts of  chick peas, red onion, green peppers and chopped apricots and bind with a small amount of Bombay Curry Sauce PURE.
Fill the nests with the filling and garnish with a dried apricot, a slice of red onion and a sprinkle of coconut.

Oven cook at 180°c gas mark 4 for 25-30 minutes or until cooked through.