Chicken Parma Ham & Mushroom Platt

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Chicken Fillets
Parma Ham
Sliceable Mushroom Sauce
Puff Pastry Squares (7 inch)
World Grill Mediterrane PURE
Season Pepper Wild Mushroom PURE


Make a pocket vertically on top of the chicken fillet and fill with a 2cm piece of Sliceable Mushroom Sauce.
Plug the pocket with a small amount of sausagemeat and wrap a rasher of Parma ham around.
Place on top of the pastry and cut as pictured.
Fold over the pastry to make a platt.
Brush with World Grill Mediterrane PURE and finish with a grind of Season Pepper Wild Mushroom PURE.

Oven Cook at 200°c Gas Mark 6 for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through.