Chicken Shoarma Traybake

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1kg Diced Chicken Fillet
25g Shoarma Spices
Yoghurt & Garlic Sauce
World Grill Royal Mint & Rosemary PURE
Kibbled Onions Crispy Fried


Add the Shoarma Spices to the chicken and mix well.
Thread on to wooden skewers.
Place 2-3 tablespoons of Yoghurt & Garlic Sauce in the bottom of a foil tray.
lay the skewers on top of the sauce and drizzle with World Grill Royal Mint & Rosemary PURE.
Top with Kibbled Fried Onions Crispy Fried.

Oven cook at 180°c gas mark 4 for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through.

Required Items to make this