Chicken Skewers with Yogurt Sauce and Flatbread

Enjoy homemade chicken skewers this summer. You can add fresh vegetables such as bell peppers and red onions. Serve with flatbread and make your own yogurt sauce with garlic and mint. The flatbread and yogurt sauce gives this dish a Middle Eastern character. A perfect culinary delight from the BBQ.

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Makes 4 skewers

200g Chicken fillet
1 Small red onion
1 Bell pepper
1 Tsp Spice Mix for Chicken – Traditional
100ml Greek yogurt
2 Cloves garlic
1 Tsp Mint
Salt and Pepper, to taste
1 Lemon
Olive oil


Cut the chicken into 12 cubes. Sprinkle the chicken cubes with the Spice Mix for Chicken – Traditional , rub the spice mix well into the chicken and let it rest in the fridge for about 15 minutes.
Cut the red onion into quarters and separate the rings. Cut the bell pepper into pieces of about 2 by 2 cm.
Thread 3 pieces of chicken onto each skewer, alternating with bell pepper and red onion. Grill on the barbecue until the chicken is golden brown and cooked through.
Cut the garlic cloves and mix with the yoghurt and mint . Add salt and pepper to taste. Cut the lemon into wedges.
Serve the skewers with the yoghurt dip and the flatbread. Serve the lemon wedges on the side.

Serving tip
Grill peaches on the barbecue and serve with the chicken skewers.

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