Christmas Pudding & Turkey Burgers

2 products 1 basic recipe.  All the flavours of Christmas in either a burger or why not try a savoury Christmas pudding… Perfect on the run up to the big day.

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For the savoury pudding:

1kg Turkey Mince
50g Verstegen Burger Mix Complete
150g Crumbled Stilton
75g Chestnuts
75g Dried Cranberries

4 Rashers of Streaky Bacon
100g Beef Dripping (melted)

For the burgers:
1kg Turkey Mince
50g Verstegen Burger Mix Complete
150g Crumbled Stilton
75g Chestnuts
75g Dried Cranberries

World Grill Basic Sea salt and Pepper
Pink Pepper Berries


For the savoury pudding:
Combine the turkey mince with the Burger Mix Complete and then gently mix in the stilton, cranberries and chestnuts.
Divide into 4 and shape into a pudding bowl, wrap the base with a rasher of bacon and drizzle over the melted beef dripping to create the icing, garnish with berries.

For the burgers:
Combine the turkey mince with the Burger Mix Complete and then gently mix in the stilton, cranberries and chestnuts.
Press and brush with World Grill.