Duck Breast

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4 Pieces duck breast
1/2 Onion
1 Garlic clove
1 Orange
1 Bottle local ale
2 dl Poultry gravy
8 Asparagus
100 g Bean sprouts
20 g Verstegen Middle East – Lhatria Fasia


Chop the onion and garlic.

Score the duck breast through the fat and season with Verstegen Middle East – Lahtria Fasia.

Fry the onion and garlic and deglaze with the local ale.

Boil it and add the poultry gravy.

Zest the orange and add it to the sauce.

Fry the duck breast until crispy and leave to rest.

Char the asparagus, cut into three and stir fry the bean sprouts.

Cut the duck breast into slices.

Dress the plate and finish with the sauce.