Greek Pork Tenderloin

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Pork Tenderloin
Spicemix Del Mondo Sirtaki PURE
World Grill Greek Passion PURE
Halloumi Cheese (diced)
Red Onion (diced)
Black Olives (sliced)
Streaky Bacon


Cut the pork tenderloin in to single portions and cut a pocket along the top.
Season the the Spicemix Del Mondo Sirtaki PURE inside and out.
Mix equal amounts of halloumi, red onion and black olives and bind with a small amount of World Grill Greek Passion PURE and spoon in to the pocket.
Wrap in streaky bacon and secure with a skewer.
Oven cook at 170°c gas mark 4 for 20-25 minutes or until cooked through.