Italian Stuffed Pork Fillet

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Pork Tenderloins
World Grill Cielo Rosso PURE
Spicemix Del Mondo La Spezia PURE
Sun blush Tomatoes (chopped)
Cream Cheese
Spring Onion (sliced)
Streaky Bacon (chopped)


Trim the pork tenderloin & cut in to two individual portions.
Make a pocket in the top and season with Spicemix Del Mondo La Spezia PURE.
Combine the cream cheese, sun blush tomatoes, spring onion and diced bacon and spoon in to the pocket of the pork.
Brush the outside with World Grill Cielo Rosso PURE.
Garnish with more chopped sun blush tomatoes.

Oven cook at 180°c gas mark 4 for 25-30 minutes or until cooked through.