Kumar’s Vindaloo Pickled Cabbage

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200 g Pickled cabbage
1 Tablespoon of Vindaloo paste
250 g Beef mince
3 g Vadouvan
1 Tablespoon tomato paste
1 De-seeded tomato, chopped into small cubes
3 Cherry tomatoes
1 Tablespoon of finely diced onions
Sour cream


Mix the pickled cabbage with the Vindaloo paste, tomato paste and cubed tomatoes, stir in a pan with a little oil. In a separate pan, fry the onions and the halved cherry tomatoes and cook for 2 minutes.
For the patty: Mix 250 g beef mince, 3g salt, 3g Vadouvan herb mixture and finely-chopped parsley.
Form small balls and fry in the pan.

Serve: Arrange the pickled cabbage and cherry tomatoes on the plate. Place the patty on the pickled cabbage. Surround with sour cream. Garnish with the finely-sliced chives, croutons and gravy.