Mexican Meathead

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500g Minced beef
25g Verstegen Burger mix Complete
5 Rashers of streaky bacon
1/2 White onion cut into 2 eyes and 8 teeth
World Grill Mexican Madness
2 Cloves
1/2 Stick cinnamon
Verstegen guilt free tomato ketchup to smear.


Combine the beef mince with the Burger Mix Complete and shape into a meathead.
Brush completely with World Grill Mexican Madness.
Position the onion eyes followed by the Clove pupils and then the teeth.
Wrap the bacon around and across the head.
Poke the Cinnamon stick in to create the nose.
Smear the Guilt Free Tomato Ketchup over the bacon and plunge a knife diagonally through the head.