Mini Pizzas with Buffalo Mozzarella and Parma Ham

These mini pizzas with buffalo mozzarella, Parma ham and cherry tomatoes are delicious as a snack. Perfect to share during lunch, drinks or a birthday. This recipe is for 8 mini pizzas.

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140 g Parma ham
75 g Rocket
125 g Chestnut mushrooms
2 Balls of buffalo mozzarella (± 250 g drained)
500 g Pizza base mix with yeast
500 g Sieved tomatoes (can)
1 Can of tomato paste à 80 g
5 g Italian Herb Mix 
1 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Flour, for rolling out dough
Salt & Pepper, to taste


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Heat a saucepan with olive oil. Add the tomato puree and heat it for 1 minute on high heat while stirring. Add the sieved tomatoes, the Italian Herb Mix and bring to the boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove the pan of tomato sauce from the heat.

Meanwhile, tear the buffalo mozzarella and cut the chestnut mushrooms into thin slices.

Prepare the pizza dough according to the instructions on the packaging. Divide the dough into 8 pieces and shape them into balls. Dust the counter with flour. Roll out the dough balls with a rolling pin or flatten with a flat hand into a round mini pizza. Cut into 8 equal pieces and roll them out into a round mini pizza.

Divide the tomato sauce over the mini pizzas. Top with the mozzarella, slices of Parma ham and tomatoes. Bake in the oven for approximately 8 to 10 minutes.

Mix the rocket with extra virgin olive oil and divide over the mini pizzas. Garnish with a grind of Italian Herb Mix.

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