Rendang Couscous with Rack of Lamb

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100 g Couscous
100 g Boiling water
25 g Rendang paste
1 Tablespoon of chopped parsley
60 g Tikka masala paste
450 g Rack of lamb
Lamb stock
1 Small yellow courgette
1 Small green courgette
1 Small red pepper
1 Small piece of feta cheese
1 Baby aubergine


Cook the lamb with the sous-vide technique at 56 °C for 1 ½ hours. Before serving, spread the Tikka masala paste and cook in the oven for a further 5 minutes at
160 °C. Alternatively the lamb can be cooked in the oven at 80 °C, until it reaches a core temperature of 54 °C.
Remove it from the oven and let the meat rest before carving.
Mix the Rendang paste into the boiling water, add the couscous. When the couscous has absorbed the water, add the chopped parsley, set aside. Can be served cold
or warm.
Dice up the vegetables, cook in the pan until al dente.
Allow them to cool down, and add the chopped feta cheese.
Grill the baby aubergine, set aside.
To serve: Spread the vegetables on the grilled aubergine with the spoon and heat in the oven at 160 °C for 5 minutes. Spread the couscous on the plate and arrange the rack of lamb and baby aubergine accordingly.
Garnish with the feta cheese and pour over the lamb stock.