Sweet & Sour Pork Tenderloin

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1kg Pork Tenderloin (diced or strips)
20g Tjap Tjoi Spice Mix
8g Bond DS PURE
100g Red Onion (diced)
150g Peppers (diced)
1 Tin Water Chestnuts (drained)
1 Tin Bamboo Shoots (drained)
100g Carrots (sliced)
50g Spring Onion (sliced)
900g Sweet & Sour Sauce PURE


Add the Bond DS PURE and Tjap Tjoi Spicemix to the pork and mix well.
Add all of the vegetables and Sweet & Sour Sauce PURE  and combine everything together.
Garnish with more sliced spring onions.

Oven cook at 180°c Gas Mark 4 for 30-35 minutes or until the pork is cooked through.