Tuscan Pork Pockets

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Pork Loin Steaks (butterflied)
Grated Mozzarella
Sunblush Tomatoes (chopped)
Cherry Tomatoes
Streaky Bacon
World Grill Cielo Rosso PURE
Spicemix Del Mondo La Spezia PURE


Mix equal amounts of mozzarella and sunblush tomatoes together season with a grind of Spicemix Del Mondo La Spezia PURE.
Place a spoonful in the pocket of the pork loin.
Wrap with a rasher of streaky bacon and secure through the centre with a wooden skewer.
Top the end of the skewer with a cherry tomato and brush with World Grill Cielo Rosso PURE and a grind of Spicemix Del Mondo La Spezia PURE.

Oven cook at 170°c gas mark 3 for 25-30 minutes or until cooked through.

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