Beef Stew

With this mix for hachee you can make a tasty, classic beef stew. This traditional dish is made with brisket, carrots, mushrooms and onions. Nice for a cold evening.

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1 kg Diced brisket
4 Carrots
250 g (Chestnut) mushrooms
1 large onion
2 Cloves of garlic
1 Sachet of Mix for Hachee 100% Natural or 20 g Spice Mix for Hachee
500 ml Water
30 g Butter
Salt and pepper, to taste


Coarsely chop the onions and finely chop the garlic.

Heat the butter in a casserole dish. Sauté the onion and garlic. Add the diced brisket and brown all over.

Add the water and the Mix for Hachee. Let the meat simmer with the lid on the pan for about 2 hours on low heat.

Peel the carrots and slice the carrots and (chestnut) mushrooms.

After 2 hours, add the carrots, (chestnut) mushrooms and pearl onions. Add extra water if necessary, if the meat is dry. With the lid on, let the meat simmer for another 30 minutes on low heat. Serve with mashed potato.

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